The goal is to get to the activation of “Spid” by the spring of 2015, Italians or provide a “public system for the management of digital identity of citizens and businesses.” A “single pin”, a code that will allow Italian citizens to identify themselves and securely access to all government services, including those that require personal information such as health services.
One system that works for all the PA, allowing you to book analyzes at the local health services, download the results on your home computer or mobile phone, get a certificate, enroll in a public competition, pay taxes or receive refunds Agency of revenue. It will also allow access to the services of private companies and banks that decide to adopt this “digital master key”, allowing citizens to buy books from Amazon, Ebay and make items from the comfort of home banking operations.
“Spid” will be a real surprise, it will not be a plastic swipe cards but of a completely dematerialized and decentralized: it will not be the state to release the digital identity to its citizens (as is the case today with passport and identity card ), nor the citizen will have a legal obligation to adopt Spid, it will only take if it wants to access the digital services of the PA. The system was established with the Decree of the Government’s Making of Enrico Letta, to work on is the ‘”Unit of Mission for the implementation of the Digital Agenda” by Francesco Caio, and then, Letta fallen and fallen the task force of Caius, the ‘Agency for Italy Digital (Agid).
Andrea Rigoni, an expert in strategic consulting and cybersecurity who worked Spid, pointed out that the digital identity you will not get online but you will need to request it physically present at what will be the “identity provider”, ie providers of identity will have the physical recognition of the person requesting. After the recognition you’ll get a “pin one” in which there will be many personal information .Complete decree of the President of the Council of Ministers who created the system has already been notified to Brussels if, before 24 September, the European Commission will have no objections , will move to the implementation phase. The implementation of Spid is expected by the spring of 2015 and Stefano Arbia Agid has already confirmed that “the term will be respected.”
Fonte: L’Espresso