It was just released the official program of Digital Venice 2014, which will take place in Venice on July 8.
This is the first event of the Italian Presidency of the EU Council, organized in collaboration with the Directorate General of the European Commission Connect.
The event will aim to highlight the importance of digital innovation, seen as a key to sustainable economic development and to give impetus to the creation of new jobs.
There are those of the President of the Council and the EU Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, Neelie Kroes, and follow the other players in the digital, in the public and private sectors, with the participation of representatives of governments and major companies in the sector.
The five workshops that will be held throughout the day will participate in more than 300 innovators, experts, researchers and representatives of government, which will be called to give their contribution to the future development of the European Digital Agenda.
Topics to be covered during the meetings on the theme are the importance of digital skills for the creation of jobs and the growth of competitiveness, the digital economy as a starting point for a new economic development, start-ups in Europe as potential engine for growth, the digital single market, with focus on infrastructure, connectivity and new services, and digitization of public administration.
Venice will host an important “digital week,” during which industry leaders will organize a series of themed events. From the summer of InnovAction Camp island of Certosa (7-12 July) to “GoonItalia” (7-10 July), organized by the camper Wikitalia to spread on the territory of digital skills.
On July 7 Microsoft StartUp Italy will give life to “Restart Europe – bring together young talents to reshape the future.
July 7th conference of the International Business which will bring together in the dining reffetorio the Telecom Future Centre experts from around the world to present the best international practices in the digital age. To conclude the program, Netnics and Confindustria digital organize a meeting to analyze “The Digital Agenda Italian test execution day projects.”
On July 8, the day will be Google, who will present the Arsenal “Excellence in Digital”, focusing on Italian and advancing their own proposals to enhance it in the world, starting from food. The innovation group and Cisco will create a meeting on the Internet of things, trying to figure out if the item will be able to restore economic growth in Europe.
On July 9, will be the turn of Anitec and Iwa, who organize the event “eSkills for growth,” a morning to discuss the importance of digital skills to develop entrepreneurship and to create new models of startups, which will continue in the afternoon with the presentation of the best practices for inspiration.
Also in the afternoon of July 9 ‘”innovation evangelist” Mark Camisani Calzolari present to the public the topic of digital transformation, the intervention that Avera an evocative title: “Change or die”. In the late afternoon the Institute for Policy Innovation E-Lex will examine the issue at a meeting of the obstacles that often laws pose to the innovators of the web, presenting cases and testimonies from both side of contractors from that of PA.
On July 10, international business will organize an event divided into 4 workshops that will affect the main points of the Digital Agenda Italian: digital identity, the registry only, e-invoicing and Cloud.
Source: Corriere delle Comunicazioni